The eagles are back! YAY! I saw one circling around the nest site this past week. We'll have an eaglet this summer! The robins are back too, and they brought their friends, because they are building nests everywhere at work.
Bumblebees are around too, and so are the wasps and hornets. I encountered the first hornet I saw so far this year on Thursday, and I hope I don't see another in that manner...
I'm driving home with the windows down, radio up, just cruisin' along singing to the radio, when there's a loud THWACK! A very large, fat hornet hits my rearview mirror and lands in the car, on my left thigh. I know that hornets often take a hit and just get stunned for a minute before buzzing back to life; I'm about to brush him off before he gets oriented when the wind in the car blows him straight up the leg of my shorts.
Scene: I'm doing about 60mph... there are cars behind me so I can't slow down, and there's no place to pull over... and there is a soon-to-be-pissed-off giant hornet in my britches. I can feel his legs start to move so I do the only thing I can. I stand up with one foot on the gas pedal and shake my shorts (I'm now approaching 75mph) until the invader falls out onto the floormat. I glare at him for the next 6 miles... "Don't you move. Do NOT move. Stay right there, don't go buzzing around, and I'll let you out at home." He's twitching faster now and trying to turn over, but I make it to the house before he comes back completely and carry him out to the garden.
And that's my excitement this week. :-P