That faucet is so old that nobody makes parts anymore, and everything hooks up backwards from standard replacement parts. (1st trip to home improvement stores.) There are no handles that have the correct spline, and no valves or o-rings that seat correctly, so I just bought a whole new faucet set. (2nd trip to stores.) Then he discovered, by way of putting his finger through it, that one of the drain pipes was nearly rusted through. We made a third trip to Home Depot/Lowes, got a PVC drain kit (which is also threaded backwards from ours) and he managed to get it all together, working, and not leaking. Yay Hubby! (I could have done it, you know, except that I lacked the upper-body strength and appropriate cuss words to wrench off the old fittings. Also, sometimes you gotta let the man do the man-jobs so he can strut around afterwards.) :-P
That was Friday's project. Thursday was our wedding anniversary; we dressed up and went out to eat. It was a good night and nothing (that I know of) broke, except maybe my tummy from eating too much. Ah well, it was a special occasion, doing one of the things we both love... noshing on stuff smothered with cheese. w00t!
Earlier that day I'd been called into a meeting with my boss and the general manager and informed that everyone's vacation time was getting standardized to two weeks regardless of time served. I was due for a 4th paid week this year, but like everyone else, I now have two. I expected this. I'm still taking my scheduled time off, albeit without pay for the last week(s), and Boss, in an aside, told me I could use my days off to pad my vacation. I was going to do that anyway but thanks for giving me permission.
Our local Fireman's Carnival started last night. It's small enough to fit entirely in the town park next to the pool, so it's not some huge major WOW CARNIVAL! dealie. But they have those famous hand-cut french fries that this area is known for, with malt vinegar to put on them, and one booth cranks out homemade cinnamon doughnuts periodically which put any of those chain-store doughnuts to shame. And I also like to play bingo. (I like Buicks and I play bingo and gripe about "those damn kids"... by the time I'm an old lady I'll have it all down pat!)
Just now got a phone call from a co-worker who is having a pool party/cookout today. He's invited our college exchange students over, the ones from Brazil and Ukraine, so I think B and I will head over and pick a few of them up en route. There are five now, three guys and two girls, and hubby is happy about the prospect of seeing 20-something foreign gals in bikinis. He's easy to please. Here's us three from a trip to Knoebels a few weeks ago, about to get re-soaked:
It's gonna be a good day! Now I need to go find lighter fluid and a watermelon. I'm out.
Carnival corn dogs rock. That is all.