Sunday, May 14, 2006

It's Momma's Day!

Hi Mom! :-)

This is for my Main Mom (the one-and-only original), my Step-Mom (self-explanatory) and my Emergency Backup Mom (Mrs. Miller). And also to my Would-Have-Been Momma-In-Law, Harriett B, RIP 1999.

Main Mom is always there to talk (or listen to me ramble, more often than not). She keeps me posted on family goings-on and every day I do or say something just like she does... and that's not a bad thing. I wish I could go kidnap her for a day trip like we used to... "two cities, two towns, five Wal-Marts in one day!" Ugh... maybe just dinner in the city instead. I wish I lived closer.

Step-Mom makes some mean fried okra and puts up with Dad, Brother, Husband and I yapping about cars all the time. She works hard at the hospital and that's commendable. It's a tough job.

E.B.M. Mom is my friend Heather's momma. She's old-school country and a sweet lady.

Momma-In-Law told us before we'd even thought about it that we were getting married. That was a funny day... rarely am I speechless but that was one of those times! And ya know, she was right. Thanks for your blessing, your son is the light of my life.

To ALL my Mommas: I love you! Happy Day today and every day!

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