Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Return of the Sta-Puft Marshmallow Girl!

I got called back in to work a few weeks early, along with a dozen others. Apparently the potting schedule has been changed so much and on such short notice that they're now a week behind. So I got the call yesterday to come in today... no warning, just like the sudden layoffs a month ago, just "Come in." Had I not been half-asleep at the time, I might not have answered the phone and thus gotten in a "readjustment" day. Meaning, now I have to be awake and mentally functioning enough to drive only three hours after I've *been* going to bed. Yeah, this morning sucked.

But I was only on the potting line until 11:00... then my regular supervisor called me back to my usual stomping grounds to prep bays for new plants... Spent the rest of the day in a white suit, boots, and gloves, slinging chemicals around. It actually felt good to be "home." I had to break into my own office, though. Before Christmas, someone ran into the doorframe (twice) with the sweeper (not a vacuum, but a propane-powered industrial sweeper with tires and a seatbelt). The frame was knocked out of whack and the deadbolt wouldn't line up. I didn't have anything in there worth stealing, and probably would have laughed at anyone who stole my prehistoric computer anyway, so I never locked the door. Well, someone decided that computer *needed* to be secured, wedged the door shut, and locked it. My key wouldn't open it because of the pressure against the bolt... couldn't get in the inner door because the knob is on backwards... I'm going to fix that. I got locked in the middle office right after it was switched, since the door locks were on the other sides of both doors. Dumb dumb dumb! First time I ever had to break OUT of the office.

The reversed doorknob sums up the site management. Nobody has any idea why they do things the way they do, and even if something is obviously bass-ackwards to everyone else, there will be ONE person who insists that it needs to be done that way. That person will be in upper management. And after the problem is recognized no one will go out of their way to fix it until it inconveniences upper management. I still don't know why that knob was turned around with the keyhole on the inside. I'm sure someone at some point had a reason for it; they just neglected to tell anyone else what it was. Maybe they were waiting for the radio help call from a hapless grower locked in the middle room, so they could have a laugh. As long as I have a pocketknife on me, it ain't gonna be me making that call.

Back on the potting line tomorrow... it's fun, really. Hard on the legs and back, but fun. Tough to get out of the growing mindset though. We were potting New Guinea impatiens this morning and I kept looking for diseased spots and anything else that might be of concern to a grower. Someone finally said "Look, you don't have to think today. Just pot the plants." Gave me a chuckle! For the first time ever, I felt like I was overpaid for what I was doing instead of the other way around. What a nice (and strange) feeling that was!

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