Our planned full trek through Rickett's Glen tomorrow has been postponed. It's supposed to rain again, and anyway we don't need/want to spend any more than necessary on gasoline right now. It's a ways away. Sure is a pretty place, though. I hope we get to go another time!
Rain and gas prices. Bummer. I hear a lot of people talk about the price of gas in the US right now. A lot of people meaning BOTH my mom and my dad. We have expensive gas over here in Europe. At least $4 a gallon. I haven't bothered to do an exact conversion in the past couple of years. How do we get by? I don't know. We do though. I suspect public trasnport has a lot to do with it. Al that to say it's a real bummer when gas prices come into play for fun trips. :-(
I just got back from a road trip to Croatia for the beach. I think the drive-in total was somewhere around 3000km. I don't even want to think about how much the gas cost on that baby. We decided to pass on Venice this year for that very reason. Although, the tiramisu had a VERY strong pull.
Oh well, we spent a week and a half in Omis camping next to the beach, got some climbing in on local sport bolted crag, and discovered that a nice cold Karlovacko or two really hit the spot at the end of a very trying day of fun and sun.
BTW, on that cat scan... My cat is not quick. let me know if you want to borrow her next time. ;-)
BTW, you may have seen this, but I know you've mentioned the man before so I thought I would pass this on:
The Hoff
The "W"
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