Thursday, January 05, 2006

Lost and Found

Continued from last post... these are the people I either want to talk to again, or ones who once were lost but now are found!

Joseph "Hamster" H: Where are you? I feel like we left something unfinished there, like you just dropped off the face of the earth. We never said goodbye or wrote that last letter. I just want to know that you're happy, doing what you love, and being with someone you love. You deserve it. I still have the Violent Femmes tape. Come over and listen to it with me sometime. I could use more friends like you, comfortable to be around, no eggshells. Your poetic imagery was wonderful too.

Fidget in Cali: I just want to know if you still go by that name, and if not, can I have it?

Vladimir K, the Flying Man: Okay, so I never met you, but you were the first breathtakingly stunningly gorgeous man I ever laid eyes on. I heard you're still doing shows in Vegas. I'm sure the years have changed you, but I still want to fly with you, just for the thrill of flying! (If anyone has a copy of People Magazine's Beautiful People issue from sometime in the late 80s/early 90s, the one with Vlad hanging around in the middle, I'll give you $10 for it. $20 if it isn't drooled on.)

Don E, my non-date dateless date: Slamdancing at Cadillac Club, and the motorcycle trip over the Sierra Nevadas... you know who you are. We have some catching up to do. You will love my husband, and I would like to know how you're doing now! Hopefully better than you were then. All my best. You're the only one of that bunch I actually miss.

To All The Cars I've Loved Before: Red '65 Barracuda, I wish I'd bought you. Same to the '61 Chrysler and the '62 Buick and the '59 Ranchero and the '72 El Camino SS... *sigh* And esp. to the Yenko Chevelle in Shamokin Dam, if I ever see you again I'm taking pictures this time. I doubt I'll ever see another one like you!

Diane W in SoCal: Your babies are adorable! I'm glad I found you, and I love the pictures and updates. I'll write soon. Please swat Tim for me. Thanks.

Joy V: We haven't done much more than exchange cards, but it's really nice having a connection with you again. You have a beautiful family!

Chris B: I was floored. I mean, of all people to hear from... I don't even know what to say. Just amazing that after a bazillion years you can still make me laugh with your snarky witticisms. Thanks for the nostalgia trip. You and L. are incredible folks doing incredible things! Much love and blessings to you both. Do. Not. EVER. Lose. Touch. Again. I mean it. I hope we can all meet up someday! Enchiladas y guacamole, my treat.

Jenn M, my step-sister and former partner in weird goings-on: After 10 years we finally got to talk. I was a bit teary-eyed, I'll admit, because it was so wonderful to not just chat but to see you, even if it was on a webcam from 2000 miles away. I can't wait to come to NYC when you get there to see you in person. I'll bring Skid Row, you bring Gorky Park, and we'll stay up all night reminiscing... Love ya, sis. If you ever decide to disappear again, call me. I promise not to tell the 'rents.

David F in Ohio: You shocked me when you called Mom's house. You're as goofy as ever, and I believe the best thing you ever did was to marry Missy and get away from your insane family. So good to hear from you and know you're enjoying life. You ain't that far away, Bozo! PS OZZY! OZZY! OZZY! *headbang*

1 comment:

Chris said...

Anytime :-D