Sunday, December 06, 2009

Random Roundup

~I have one of those postcard-sized ad inserts in front of me, and like an 8-year-old who thinks armpit farts are hilarious, I can't stop giggling. It's an ad for mail-order discount cigarettes from one of those Indian reservations.
Actual wording on ad:
"All Of Our Butts sells a wide variety of discount cigarettes..."
"You must be 18 years or older to purchase products from All Of Our Butts..." does not sound like a tobacco website. It sounds more like one that would stick the user in an endless loop of pop-up porn sites for gay sex. (Not that *I* would know about such things... I was searching for beef recipes, I swear.)

Am I juvenile to think this is funny? I have to admit, it's marketing that definitely gets my attention. *makes armpit fart*

~Speaking of juvenile... Facebook applications have some strange viral-marketing to get people to play their games. When someone does something in a game, they get a pre-written message to post on their wall. Some samples:

Friendguy is #1 after finishing a round in Wild Ones!
Wild Ones is a game where you conquer the animal kingdom with grenades, missile launchers and goo guns! (Does PETA know about this yet?)

Friendguy wants more friends to battle in Wild Ones, so they can enjoy blowing up adorable animals! (oh, sign me up, I just have to toast some bunnies today.)

Friendchick just tapped on the glass of her aquarium in Fish World! (How mundane. Why do I and everyone on your friends list need to know this five times a day?)

Otherchick just brushed her noble steed in FarmVile! (Yes, their script does say "Vile" and not "Ville" on that one. I think it's more accurate, myself.)

Thatdude's Holiday Tree just grew and became more festive and merry! (I had a zillion comments to add here, most involving Viagra and hanging balls, or men becoming merry when their tree grew, but... feel free to write your own.)(And again, do I really need to know this drivel?)

~Want to be a 12-year-old girl's new bestest friend ever? Buy her a cell phone for her birthday. I have bruises from being tackled. She squealed "I LOOOOVE YOU!" I said yeah, but it's only because I spoil you. She was honest... "Yeah. But you're cool anyway." Dang kids.

Speaking of what 12-year-olds think is cool... she wanted music for her birthday, so I spent a couple hours checking out her song list and listening to clips. (i.e. was reminded that I'm frickin' old.) Who are these people, and why are they popular again? Admittedly, I discovered I like Lady Gaga, and I also had to give the kid props for having a few 80s tunes on there. But I flat-out refused to buy Kanye or Mariah Carey. One's an ass and the other gives me (and every small animal within miles) instant headaches. Kid thought I was so awesome because I asked her to play some Black Eyed Peas for me. I heard 'em on an Oprah youtube clip... kills the awesome factor, eh?

~Yesterday was our first "real" snow here. There is no prettier winter day than a first-snow day, when everything looks like it's covered in frosting and the air is cold and crisp and a cup of coffee tastes better than anything. The world stand out with stark contrasts of black trees, red barns and pure white fluff. There is no mud or slush yet, no black exhaust stains on the snow along the roads, and no giant dirty snowplow piles every hundred yards. Yesterday was a picture postcard of gorgeousness. One of the kids, who was skeptical about living in a place where it gets below 40 degrees, came inside covered with snow from head to toe and announced "I LOVE Pennsylvania!!!" Yeah, me too, kiddo. (Just wait till you learn to drive, though.) I suspect it was because he has a new form of ammo to throw at his sisters. Never enough of that for a 7-year-old.

~Layoffs at work are imminent. Despite the loss of income, I'm looking forward to it. Maybe I'll have normal dreams again, instead of ones involving scoping out whiteflies on poinsettias with a jeweler's loupe. Seasonal layoffs happen at this time every year. Sometimes I'm not on the list, but usually I am for at least a couple weeks... this year I'm kind of hoping for the full layoff until mid-February or beyond. Sounds odd, especially with the crazy economy and unemployment rate... I should be happy to have a job, I suppose... but after 10 1/2 years I'm just so burned out that I don't care. There is not one part of my body that doesn't hurt on a daily basis. My hips are out of whack, my hands look like road maps of Los Angeles (they dry out and crack from water exposure) and my feet are plotting mutiny. I need some recovery time. A chiropractor, a manicure, and an acupressure massage are on my Christmas wishlist. Boob job too, but that's waited so long already that by the time I can afford one, I won't care anymore.

Anyone want to sponsor me for an extreme makeover? :-D

~Nah, really, I have nice boobs. I just want MORE of the nice. One cup size larger, to look good in low-cut shirts and sweaters. (Also to balance out my butt, which is also nice, but it gets too much attention.) A friend summed it up best when she told me her boobs had never been introduced to each other. I want mine to meet, fall in love, and give birth to cleavage.

~Sweet-tea vodka still rocks. That is all.

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