Friday, November 18, 2005

Not even going there

I could tell you what a crazy day it's been. I could complain about my job and the clueless people who call the shots. I could type half a page about how I got home, ready to warm up from the cold and relax, and instead had to go pick up my husband, whose truck had a serious internal mishap (two days after he hit a deer with it) and will be sitting indefinitely in the Wal-Mart parking lot. I could gripe about the fact that I'm still cold, haven't had any dinner yet, and am huddled in front of the computer because I'm just too tired to do anything else.

But I'm not going to.

My job can be a challenge, but when things get insane I take that challenge and meet it head-on. The nutsier it gets the more I'm forced to think and act on the fly, and I've learned a lot about that over the last few years. Give me five minutes to come up with a plan and I'll git 'er done.

The bozos in management? They sign my paycheck. As long as they keep paying me, I'll deal with whatever insane idea they come up with next.

The cold? I love cold weather. Gives me a reason to cuddle up with the hubby or soak in the bathtub. The air seems cleaner and fresher, the stars are brighter, and the black naked trees against a pale grey sky are visually stunning.

The truck? It's just a thing. Do we have the money to fix it? No, but so what? We have other options. One of us will drive the Bronco and the other one (me) will continue to drive the slag heap known as the Puick until we can get another vehicle.

Dinner? No big loss. The employee Thanksgiving lunch today was excellent, and I'm thankful that we all had plenty to eat and share. I'll have some cheese and cocoa and be perfectly content.

So... what AM I going to rant about? Just this: Every year at our employee lunch one of the suits gives a speech and then a manager offers the blessing, and everyone takes off their hats and waits until the prayer is said. This year nobody gave a speech (yay!!!) but no one said the blessing either... I waited... looked around... nobody missed it. I was shocked. So I said my own. And I missed the opportunity to say one aloud for everyone else... That bugs me. Some people who saw me did take their own silent moment. And granted, there are different faiths and the PC thing is to not offend anyone, but still... It's a sad day when a company changes their traditions to avoid getting sued over a prayer, if in fact that's the reason. Of all the things that happened today that's really the only one that is going to stay with me.


Chris said...

Perhaps this will be a bit of an encouragement to you: there are still quite a few companies in Ohio, for sure, who put God in His proper place, being first. Most of these are run by Amish or, even more so, Mennonites. Excellent bunch of folks, those Mennonites.


CJupiter said...

There is a large Amish and Mennonite community here, too. I do a lot of my shopping at their markets. Amazing that they hold true to their beliefs in this modern age. Yet they're the butt of so many jokes for exactly that reason... the jokesters should be taking a lesson from them!