Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Time to focus on... oooh shiny!

Today is my last day of freedom. Tomorrow I go back to work after a month and a half off, and although I'm dreading it more than ever, I have to think positive. In order to think positive I have to get the negative out of the way so it won't keep resurfacing. Blog therapy FTW.

  • My internal body clock reverts to Night Owl when I'm off. No more staying up till 3 AM and sleeping till 11. Mornings are going to suck. I haven't seen a sunrise since mid-December.
  • Despite all the extra time I had to sit on my butt in front of the computer, I didn't get a lot of writing done like I'd planned (and plan every time I'm off.)
  • When I know I have a long stretch with no deadlines, I procrastinate, thinking "I have a whole 'nother month to get to that." It's down to a matter of hours now and I still haven't done half of what I planned.
  • I'll have to be on my feet for nine hours a day, but I haven't had the money for new work shoes. Okay, I did have the money, briefly, but I opted to spend it on a friend's kids instead. My priorities take a hard left when it comes to long-term needs vs. making someone else happy for an evening. Gotta work on that. Or not. :-)
  • I'll have to plan out my crops on Farmville so they won't wilt. *eyeroll* There's another con... waaaaay too much time spent on that internet crackbag called Facebook.
  • Back to heat -n- eat for supper most of the week. I'm pretty good at throwing a meal together on short notice, but I've been spoiled by having entire days to plan and cook. I'll have to make the days off really count now.
  • I have to clean out my lunchbag, which has been sitting, forgotten, in a corner since my last day at work. I'm hoping I didn't leave a sandwich in there. Ew.
  • I'll have to interact with other humans again. Which would be fine, except these particular humans, for the most part, are ones I'd prefer to avoid. Stress levels will be through the roof. I already know that a coworker has turned in her schedule for the entire year, and every day she has requested off will be a holiday or one I need off myself, but she's effectively blocked anyone else from those days by being "first" to request them. I also know that I am not scheduled off for almost any of the car shows my husband and I attend.
  • Steady paychecks again.
  • More exercise, more fresh air, more sun
  • I strongly suspect my muse will come back to me, and I'll find myself writing songs and sketching in the margins of my job lists. Not having the time to do something greatly increases the odds that one will be inspired to do it. Why is that, anyway?
  • I'll be singing again. I have to sing at work; it keeps me from going completely over the edge. I dance too and I don't give a damn who sees me. You have your coffee or Xanax, I'll take music and an impromptu waltz to keep myself awake and semi-sane, thankyouverymuch.
  • I do happen to be scheduled off for Valentine's Day (meh), Easter (meaning I'll be expected to attend a family function, meh), my anniversary (which coincides with 4th of July weekend, w00t!) and ONE car show out of six (Ford Nationals, my second-favorite, so that's not too bad.)
  • I've learned just how much I love cooking. I didn't do a lot of baking, a previous love, but focused instead on getting better at cooking meat. This was formerly the Man's Job, as I've never been a big meat-eater at home. Now it will take an act of Congress to get him to cook for me since I've proven I'm better at it. :-P
  • Of the things I planned to do, I'm pleased with the ones I accomplished. Still more projects left on the table, but knowing they're not insurmountable helps. "I'll never get this done!" has become "I can do a little of this every day, and eventually it will be finished."
I'm sure the wit I'm known for will return soon. I just have to get back into the swing of things and let the muse find her way back through the sludge. *cue Jefferson Airplane*

Meanwhile, hubby just came home and miracle of miracles, is making cheesesteaks. Hubby's cheesesteak > everyone else's. They still rock. That is all.

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