Tuesday, February 02, 2010

2010: A Make-Space Odyssey

By this time of year, just about everyone has either made New Year's resolutions or broken them already. I've done neither because I procrastinate like that. This year I'll try to stop putting things off. OK, that one goes on the "will be broken almost immediately" list, because one thing I don't procrastinate about is procrastinating.

Yeah, so. Resolutions. Let's start with the realistic ones...

1. Buy a house (this has been a goal for a few years now.)
2. Stop helping people so much. No really... I always wind up overextending myself, my bank account, and my peace of mind (such as it is) worrying about other people. I'll continue to help, but without involving myself quite so much.
3. Be mouthier. How is this possible, you wonder? I'm pretty balls-out straightforward most of the time. But I'm talking about something different... poor service, low quality products, things I've paid good money for that fall drastically short of the ads. I'm one of those that will get something, find it's stale or spoiled or doesn't work, and think "Oh well, it's too much trouble to take it back and I really don't want to offend anyone." Or customer service will be so horrible that I'm still upset about it a week later. TaHellWitDat. Next time some insolent, condescending twit deliberately insults me while they're working, their manager is going to hear about it. I don't care if they get in trouble; people like that need to either learn some manners/people skills or get a quick-and-dirty reality check. And STOP THROWING MY APPLES AROUND. I didn't spend my own time hand-selecting non-bruised (and overpriced) apples just so some nitwit can go grocery-bowling down the conveyor to the bagging area. Then Nitwit II slam-dunks them on top of the canned goods. While I'm on the subject... if I make a salad on your salad bar, and I very carefully put it down right-side-up at the register, do NOT turn it sideways to fit it in the damn bag. Get another bag. Idiot.
4. Stop going off on tangents so much. See #3.
5. Eat more avocados and fish.
6. Learn some new recipes, and actually use some of the cookbooks I have. Learn to make good biscuits. And make more from scratch instead of conveniently prepackaged ingredients. Ooh that's gonna be a hard one!
7. Take more photos.
8. Bail out my closets and office area.
9. Start seeing a chiropractor.
10. Start going on Sunday drives with the hubby again. We slacked off on those due to gas prices, but every time we do decide to "take the long way home" we see something new or interesting and have a good time. It's OUR time, something we love to do together, and the few extra bucks a month in gas is worth it.

Made to be broken:
1. Avoid TastyClair pies.
2. Stop wasting quarters in bubblegum machines with toys in them.
3. Learn to like raw tomatoes.
4. Cut back on the amount of pasta we eat.
5. Stop being so annoying.
6. Act and dress my age.
7. Quit my job. (Meaning, actually go look for another job.) Or better yet, become financially independent enough to quit working and go back to school.
8. Go out shopping, visiting, or whatever just once without lipstick. Yeah right! Every purse, bag, coat pocket, car console and lunchbox I own has at least one lipstick or gloss in it.
9. Get a short, cute hairstyle.
10. Don't spend so much time on the internet. (Stop laughing. No really, I mean it. OK... ok, yeah, that is funny, go ahead and laugh. We'll see who's laughing when you ask me to find something online for you and BAM I have it in 30 seconds even though you spent three hours looking because you're frickin' clueless. So there.)

In other news, Punxsutawney Phil's life was spared for another year when he predicted six more weeks of winter this morning, punctuated by the snow that started falling a short while ago. Yay! I hate spring even more than I hate that damn groundhog.

My hibernation ends Thursday, when I am dragged back into the working world. Bleh.

TastyClair pies still rock. That is all. nomnomnom

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