Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Critter Clips!

GVOD had some good videos up today. The two that captured my attention were, as usual, animal clips. (My favorite of all time was the silly cat one, which I believe was a montage taped off America's Funniest Videos, but according to GVOD's webmaster the clip is no longer on Google. Drat! I watched that one over and over... if anyone has it hosted elsewhere, please send me a link!) The embeddable player code is still not working, so the links take you to the videos on GVOD.

The first highlights the incredible intelligence and trainability of (at least one) of our canine companions. Royal Lipizzaners move over... this dog dances to Grease!

Coolest Dog Vid

The second one is one of those things where you go "Oh man, it's 10 minutes long... I don't have time for that." Then you think "Well, I really want to see some funny cats, so I'll just watch the first 30 seconds or so." Four minutes later you're thinking "I should stop now, but these are pretty cool." And then "Dang, it's over?!?" It really sucks you in. It's a bunch of goofy and awesome cat photos. Can't go wrong there, so if you're a cat lover in need of a laugh set aside 10 minutes for this. It's cute!

Bring on the Catness

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