Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Dinner of Champions... or just us.

Breakfast for dinner is a wonderful thing. I'm not a morning-breakfast person, never was, and besides the last thing I want to do when I get up is cook. Putting on the full spread at a more reasonable hour is a lot more fun, and I have less tendency to burn myself!

On a whim, I called Dad and my brother and invited them over for "breakfast" tonight, causing momentary confusion on my brother's part. He did get the part about "come over and eat" and that was all he needed to know! Standard fare... pancakes, sausage, toast, hash browns and dippy eggs. NOT the healthiest of meals, but since I rarely eat that kind of thing I guess it's OK.

I made the best dippy eggs I've ever cooked! Didn't break a one, and they were perfect. Funny since I don't eat them that way. I scramble mine and put ketchup on them. Everyone else likes over-easy so I had to learn to do 'em up right.


Work was interesting today. I learned that over the past 2 days, a water main for our floor heat came apart (with a whoosh!), one fertilizer injector stopped working again (On Saturday I had canceled the work order to get it fixed), production crew hung the wrong group of baskets before they were rooted, all the environmental changes I'd made on the computer had to be redone due to the loss of floor heat, two mini-injectors are broken, and the only two ATVs that are rigged with hitches to pull our 200-gallon sprayer aren't running. Boss has been gone since Thursday and he'll come back tomorrow to a stack of notes on his desk. Oh, I love a busy day! Absolutely no sarcasm there... in spite of the nonfunctioning items, I get a rush when things go awry. It makes me think of ways to get around them and still get the work done. Thinking outside the box was one of the Leadership exercises we did in that meeting and it's one of my specialties.

I picked up another dead snake in one of the hoophouses today. Poor little guy. Looked like somebody squished him... wish they'd leave the snakes alone! :-( I also taped a "No Critters" sign to the trash can by the office. The people in there tend to dump mouse carcasses in the can instead of outside in the dumpster, and we don't find out about it until we smell it. Ew.


Fazermints ROCK. That is all.

1 comment:

Ima Cook said...

I really like your blog! And, actually, I like to cook a really good, big breakfast, too. Mine are usually at about noon on the weekends. :)
Also, I get what you mean about liking it when things go wrong at work: you like the adrenalin rush that pumps you up and makes you all happy and exited about what is going on, and pushes you into your best work mode. I used to be like that, too, and still could be. Would be, if not for a boss that freaks worst and first than most occasions warrant. It is almost impossible for me to work at my best level when someone is screaming and freaking out at, or in front of, me. I'd rather figure out what to do before he is even aware of a problem, but these paranoid-hyperactive types are difficult to deal with.
Anyway, I think I wish I had your job. :)
