Monday, March 13, 2006

The Party

Not as many people as I expected there. Met some of hubby's family I'd never met before. One aunt is a minister who goes around to retirement homes to preach. Another aunt and uncle told us about a house for sale by owner, which we're going to look at; then we got to reminiscing about Sequoia Park. Food was OK, the sister who organized the party went a bit overboard so our share came out to be twice what we expected. But Dad's only turning 60 once! Might as well make the most of it.

We called B's grandfather to see if he was coming. He was, and did, and it was nice to chat with him again. The man is a riot. Case in point:

FYI, the bottles were not actual liquor, but the gun was an actual .357 Magnum. (Unloaded of course.) Pop wanted to see it so I grabbed the camera... he's 92, by the way. Just now starting to "slow down a bit." Gotta love him! (Sidetrack: this photo reminds me of Grandma Mazur shooting the turkey in a Janet Evanovich novel. If you've read the Stephanie Plum mysteries you're laughing to yourself right now.)

Hubby, his sister's boyfriend, and the kids had fun target-shooting with the .22 and his crossbow. They plinked coffee cans hung from a tree. Somebody brought out a shotgun and decimated the cans. This is what one of his family parties entails, y'all. Food, weapons, and endless banter among the guests. And usually at least one drama... this time it was subdued, but the drama was there nonetheless. Ah well, makes things interesting.

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