Lost a couple hours tonight to the Couchmonster. I sat down to sort some stuff and next thing I knew, my husband was home and asking how to cook pork chops. Even though I thought I was dreaming, turns out I wasn't; he really wanted to know. (I found out later he meant "which way" as in baked, fried etc... should have realized if it's meat, he can cook it. Usually better than I can.) I got up around 7:00 to find the kitchen clean and the table ready, but he was still waiting for me to actually make supper and had fortified himself in the meantime with cheese danish. Poor guy... I told him he really should be more assertive when trying to get me to wake up, but he replied that if I didn't hear him washing the dishes, as he wasn't being quiet about it at all in hopes the noise would get me up, then I probably needed the sleep.
That's the thing about being so amped most of the time. When I keep myself focused I can go like a ferret on crack, but once I lose that focus I crash pretty hard. That's one of the reasons I avoid the living room. Comfy surface + mind-numbing television = I am out within 60 seconds, usually. Can't sit and watch TV unless it's incredibly riveting or I'm in the mood for funny videos; usually I watch a minute, go do something else, come back, go away, etc. Same thing happens at work. As soon as I sit at my desk for five minutes I start to nod off. I had to turn down an office job last year because of that... a manager asked if I wanted to help get the new system ready, but I had to be honest and tell him there wasn't enough caffeine in the world for me to sit at a desk all day and do data entry. Just the idea itself made me sleepy.
Another bad thing about crash-and-burn effect is that I don't bounce right back, bright-eyed and bushytailed. There is no such thing as a ten-minute power nap for me. Once I'm out, I can sleep for 12 hours straight, if circumstances allow. Sometimes more. From crack-ferret to tree sloth in the blink of... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
*Above photo courtesy of HubbyCam.
1 comment:
I find the Michael-J-Fox-Back-to-the-Future-esque-nose-down-to-the-ground effect quite humorous. I certainly hope you didn't have to endure his ordeals whilst sleeping. (Nice perm, btw).
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