Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I love piano!

Someone in the downstairs apartment is playing Black Sabbath. "Ironman" played on an upright piano is interesting. Much better than "Heart And Soul" in an endless loop!

As I was walking up to my porch, my dad drove by and honked. It must be spring because he was driving the '73 Electra. That 455 sounds soooo good... you can actually hear the dollar signs chinging at the gas pump when he hits the accelerator. He keeps trying to sell it to me, presumably so he can go buy a Nova. Or anything else that doesn't have a big-block which only runs on premium.

For the first time this year I had to close the shade blankets in the middle of the day to protect the plants from that odd bright thing called the sun. Caladium burns easily and after living under clouds since they were bulbs, the poor things were falling over once the sunshine hit. Many of the employees broke out their shorts and t-shirts today so there were a lot of pasty white legs running around. Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the high 60s and all the way to 70 on Friday. That means 80-90 in the hothouses. Guess I better find my shorts and start working on my sock tan. (Can't wear open-toe shoes there. Every year I get a nice tan on my legs, except for the ankles down, which makes me look as though I stepped in a bucket of white paint. When I wear sandals or heels on my days off it looks ridiculous, but even sillier is trying to use self-tanner on my feet and turning them orange... YES I've done it. Shut up.)

Piano stopped. Drat, she had a nice bass thing going on... I was about to go into the bathroom to listen better. Great acoustics in there and the downstairs sounds are amplified, especially if one sits in the tub. (Which I do, on occasion.) I don't think it works the same for them, though. Their bathroom is on the other end of the apartment, under the old attic stairwell. Good, cause I don't think they want to hear me playing mauling my harmonica too often!

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