Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Tuesday is my Monday

And I'm rockin' the typical return-to-work headache. I'd take a Tylenol but with all the dope the doc wants me on I'm unwilling to add anything else. He called me to say my thyroid levels had gone high enough to warrant a low-dose thyroid pill. Oh goodie. That's 4 pills a day, one of them twice a day, and I'm not even close to 40 yet. *Sigh* At least two of them are over-the-counters and not serious pharmaceuticals.

I want to just dump them all. I mean, I hate putting stuff like that in my system... I know it's doing some good, but still... I don't even like taking aspirin if I can avoid it. (Only thing I'll swear by is TheraFlu, and only when I actually have the flu.) I'm going to switch BC and get off the hormones this year, so that's one less thing, but I just wish I could can it all and chew roots and herbs or whatever instead.

OK... I'm thinking about this now... what else am I putting into my system? Additives, preservatives, food dyes, more than likely chemicals and fertilizers at work, city water (mmm! chock-full o' chlorine!), processed sugars, hybrid and hormonally enhanced vegetables, and Pop-Tarts. A couple pills probably aren't anywhere near that bad now that I think about it. The Pop-Tarts alone are worse, I'll betcha. Let's not even start on cocktail weenies.

In other news: I'm searching for an elusive Unicorn. #121 for those in the know. I'll trade an Elf Queen and Cleopatra... and throw in a Pirate for good measure.

My darling hubby pulled one over on me last night. He wanted to stop at his sister and BIL's house; I didn't feel like going in, as I was tired and sore, so he did the visiting while I catnapped in the truck. When he came back I was informed that 1. he invited them over soon to play the CSI board game we gave them and 2. since they were coming over, he told them to bring their recent vacation photos so I could scan them on the computer and adjust them. And then he said they have a bunch of them...

Thanks hunny!... ?

So... I have to not only make my house presentable (no big deal, just give me a deadline) but I've also been volunteered to be a photo editor for the evening. I don't really mind because that will give me a reason not to play the CSI game. (I don't watch the show and probably wouldn't get it.) I like visiting with them though. Nice folks. Wonder if he volunteered me to cook supper too? I want to make some pulled-pork BBQ, sounds like a good a time as any. Show these Yankees what real BBQ is. And it AIN'T sloppy joes!

1 comment:

fart blossom said...

Volunteered to scan some pictures... a lot of pictures eh?

Ha ha! Sorry about the laugh. I've been there. At least these days you probably have a scanner that automates the process a bit. Back in the day I used to have to trick the scanner into actually scanning something. Ugh. Windows 95. Don't go there. I bet Tofirius has some even ummm.... better... expereiences.

So the whole process should take you several hours... give or take, depending on the amount of pictures and the amount of "help" you may have. ;-)
