Tuesday, August 02, 2005


After chatting with some former classmates over the past few months, and especially recently, I've been bouncing around in nostalgia-land.

I'm amazed at the things I remember, and equally incredulous at the things I don't. I mean, from fourth through ninth grade, I was a sentient human, I'm pretty sure. Aliens didn't take over my consciousness or wipe my brain or anything. So how is it that from that entire six years, only bits and pieces come to mind? Sure, I remember certain people, a few teachers, drinking Jolt cola at lunch and getting wired... but the time is mostly blank, with the occasional fragmented memory flickering like a low-watt bulb in a faulty socket. Where was I, all those years? How is it that my memory retention was good enough to ace tests regularly, but not good enough to hang on to the "important stuff" that real memories are made of?

And where can I get some Jolt cola?

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