Monday, August 01, 2005

Virgos are notoriously organized.

Say what?

Organized. Practical. Logical. That's what the description says.

They obviously haven't seen my desk.

No, not my desk at work...that's all of the above. At work I am fanatical about everything being where it should be, not just in my office but in every area I work in. I'm Mrs. I-Know-Where-It-Is-And-By-The-Time-You've-Finished-Asking-For-It-I-Have-It-In-Hand. I hate it when the production crew doesn't line up plants by variety and color. I hate it when somebody moves something and I can't find it. I hate seeing shipping carts on both sides of the walks, instead of lined up neatly on one side only. I've picked up my supervisor's habit of straightening the refuse cans as I walk by them, with the lid flaps aligned with the can handles.

But my desk at home would send Martha Stewart into hyperventilation and an incurable nervous tic. And my coworkers would be incredulous. (Not to mention a little perturbed, considering how I am at work.)

This came about because I'm trying to find my new HMO card (not even going off on that rant right now). I just got it a couple weeks ago, and it isn't with my other necessary cards, which means it's somewhere on the desk. I have a huge desk, by the way. I could sleep on it, if I moved the computer. And the right-side pile of junk mail, which is sitting on top of the scanner... (I have to shred soon, because the stack is blocking my framed Brandon Lee picture from the Crow, and that is so not right.) And I'd have to move the front-right pile of paid bills to the archives (shout-out to CB; my new "filing system" has a label!) and the left-side stack to the regular trash and the printer and speakers and VCR and all the assorted candles and notepads and peripherals...

So in theory I could, in fact, sleep on the desk. But I have to find my HMO card first. I'll probably need a nap after that anyway.

1 comment:

CJupiter said...

Good to know!